Caddie Finishing The Round

Finishing The Round

1. Thank your player. “Thank you Mr. Smith, it has been
a pleasure caddying for you today.”

2. This is when your player will compensate you for your
work and evaluate your performance on a ticket that you
are handed when you begin the round. Stand away from
your player while they do this. NEVER look over your
player's shoulder while he/she is signing your card.

3. Ask your player where they would like the bag to be
placed and return it there promptly. A member’s bag
is usually returned to the bag room. If you are caddying
for a player’s guest, ask where they would like the
bag to be placed.

4. Make sure you count all the clubs and that they are
clean before leaving the bag.

5. Return to the caddie room and either await a second assignment
or check out according to your club’s rules.