Caddie Attending the Flagstick

Attending the Flagstick

1. Learn to judge which ball is furthest from the hole. This
player putts first.

2. When walking on the putting green, be careful not to
step in anyone’s line of putt. The line of putt extends
from the ball to the hole. Be aware of the positions of
all the balls.

3. When you get to the flagstick, make sure it is not stuck
in the hole by twisting it. Ask the furthest-away player
if they would like the flagstick out or attended.

“Sir/Ma’am, would you like the flagstick attended?”

4. If the player does not want you to attend the flagstick,
remove it carefully and move to the edge of the
green away from the line of putt.

5. If the player wants you to attend the flagstick, stand
so your feet are at least two feet from the hole and
your shadow does not cross the player’s line of putt.
If you can reach the flag atop the stick, hold it so the
flag does not blow in the wind. Make sure your feet
are together and pointing towards the player for whom
you are attending the flagstick. WARNING:Be sure not
to step or stand on or near the hole, which can cause
damage to the hole.

6. Once the player strikes the ball, remove the flagstick
carefully from the hole. Move to a side of the putting
green, being careful not to step in anyone’s line of putt.
Keep Quiet. You may have to attend the flagstick for
more than one player so be prepared. If you are not
sure, just ask.

7. After all the players have holed out, return the flagstick
to the hole. Be careful not to hit the edge of the hole with
the bottom of the flagstick. This causes damage to the
edge of the hole. Quickly move off the green and meet
your player at the next teeing ground. Once you get to
know the course and your player, you should have his/
her driver ready to exchange for the putter.
