Caddy Health and Hints


Doctors agree that walking is one of the best forms of exercise for cardiovascular and muscular improvement.

During one round of golf, you will walk approximately five miles. This is excellent exercise for you unless you do not prepare for it properly.

 • Take care of your feet. Make sure that your shoes are comfortable and will give you proper support and keep your feet dry. Wear socks at all times.

 • Dress for the weather. Try to watch the forecast for the day and dress appropriately. In colder weather, layers are the best way to keep warm as you can always remove them if it becomes warmer. You should always carry a windbreaker or raincoat on days that are forecasted for rain. Remember, it is always better to bring too much than to have too little.

 • Eat sensibly. Make sure to eat a good breakfast. There is usually a spot on the course (Halfway House) where your player may purchase you some type of refreshment. Be courteous and thank your player.

 • On extremely hot days, drink large amounts of water to keep from becoming dehydrated. It is also important to eat a healthy breakfast prior to caddying.