Under USGA’s Rules of Golf, a caddie is defined as one
who carries or handles a player’s clubs during play and
otherwise assists the player in accordance with the Rules
of Golf.
When one caddie is employed by more than one player,
the caddie is always deemed to be the caddie of the player
whose ball is involved.
A forecaddie is one who is employed by the Committee
to indicate to players the position of balls during play. A
forecaddie is an outside agency (anything that is not part
of the match or competitors side).
Advice to a Player or His Partner
Rule 8-1
A player must not ask for or accept advice on how to play
a shot or what club to use except from his/her caddie,
partner or partner’s caddie. It is permitted to give any
player yardage from a specific point.
Touching Surface Irregularities
Rules 13-1, 13-2
Your player must play the ball as it lies. Do not press down
or move anything to make the shot easier.
Bending or Removing Growing Objects
Rule 13-2
Except in making a stance or taking a swing, your player
is not allowed to improve the lie, area of intended swing
or line of play by bending, moving, or breaking anything
fixed or growing. This means a caddie must never break
off even so much as a blade of grass from around the
ball. Moreover, you cannot hold back a tree branch to
assist your player in making a stroke, as that would be
“bending something growing.”
Position of Caddie or Partner
Rule 16-1f
While making a stroke on the putting green, the player
shall not allow his caddie, his partner or his partner’s
caddie to position himself on or close to an extension of
the line of putt behind the ball.

Touching the Golf Ball
Rule 18-2
A caddie must not touch a player’s ball from the time
it leaves the tee until it is holed out, unless the player
instructs the caddie to do so. Then, if a rule is broken, it
is not the caddie's fault.
Ball in Motion, Deflected or Stopped
Rule 19-2
If a player’s ball is accidentally deflected or stopped by the
player, partner, or either of their caddies, or equipment,
a penalty shall be incurred.
Dropping the Golf Ball
Rule 20-2
Under a number of rules, the player is permitted or required
to lift the golf ball and drop it. The caddie may pick up the
ball, but must then hand it to the player to do the dropping.
Only the player may drop the golf ball.
Loose Impediments
Rule 23
Except in hazards, loose impediments (natural objects such
as: fallen leaves, branches, stones that are not embedded,
and so on) can be removed. However, your player
should do the removing because there is a penalty if the
ball moves after a loose impediment has been touched
by either of you.
Removing Obstructions
Rule 24-1
You are permitted by the Rules of Golf to lift movable
obstructions out of the way. It is better to wait until your
player instructs you to do so.
